“ART AND SPORT” FOUNDATION – Bidding Nation Russia

The “IFD Kapital” Group was established in 2003. By the present time it has turned into one of the major diversified holdings in Russia. The evolution of business activity of “IFD Kapital” has resulted in conception of its business identity as an integrated private investment fund specializing in investing in various sectors of economy. Nowadays the Group’s investments are represented in Oil & Gas sector, banking services, pension coverage, construction, power generation, mass media and high tech industry.

The key task of the Group is an efficient management of the shareholders’ funds through investing them in new business projects as well as the securities market.

At the beginning of the year 2009 aggregated assets of the Group have exceeded 11 billion US$ and its total shareholders’ funds – 4 billion US$. “IFD Kapital” ranks among top-100 largest Russian companies by the volume of its proceeds (according to ratings of “Finance-500 and “Expert-400”).

“IFD Kapital” employs top experts in respective fields of business which has been confirmed not only by the productivity of investment projects but also by professional ratings led by the representatives of “IFDK”.

The companies of “IFD Kapital” Group have been intensively running a social activity by implementing humanitarian projects in culture and sports:
Since the year 2008 “IFD Kapital” in association with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has been implementing the information program aimed at advancement of financial literacy of the Russian society.

Supporting projects in the cultural sphere takes a special place in the social activity of “IFD Kapital”. The Company participates in educational programs of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and carries out its own projects as well.

“IFD Kapital” has been acting as a General Sponsor of the Spartak Football Club for more than 5 years. Partnership between the Football Club and “IFDK” is strengthened by the fact that they have common owner which allows the latter to assist the Football Club in organizing the Club’s functioning.

“IFD Kapital” is an investor which today supports branches of economy and particular companies that are expected to be on the market’s high tomorrow. We do not only forecast the future of the Russian economy but also create it in the capacity of direct investors.
