Category Archives: Host Cities

Volga Cluster – Yarosavl

In 2010, Yaroslavl will celebrate its 1,000-year anniversary. The city is a jewel in the famous “Golden Ring” – a string of beautiful medieval Russian cities around Moscow (Uglich, Rostov-the-Great, Suzdal and Vladimir). It boasts many well-preserved onion-domed churches and incredible views of the Volga River. The city centre of Yaroslavl is a UNESCO World […]

SouthernCluster – Krasnodar

Krasnodar is located along the Kuban River and has a population of more than 600,000. The city’s name translates into “beautiful gift” or “Catherine’s Gift” simultaneously in recognition of Catherine the Great’s grant of land in the Kuban region to the Black Sea Cossacks and in recognition of Saint Catherine, the Martyr, who is considered […]